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Top Three for Me:

These three options are my personal favorites as they cover several vital aspects of everyday life. Nevertheless, as an independent candidate for North Dorset, I am enthusiastic about hearing your viewpoints and providing you with my assistance if elected.

Addressing Public Sector and Services: A Priority for the General Election and North Dorset


In the upcoming general election for North Dorset, it is crucial to recognise the significance of the public sector and the services it provides. These sectors play a vital role in our everyday lives, contributing to the well-being and development of our communities. Let's explore why they are essential to both me as an individual and North Dorset as a whole.


1. Quality of Life:

Public services lay the foundation for a high standard of living. They encompass healthcare, education, transportation, infrastructure, and more. Having access to well-equipped hospitals, efficient schools, and well-maintained roads ensures a comfortable and flourishing lifestyle in North Dorset. A strong public sector ensures that our community members receive top-notch services and support when they need it the most.


2. Economic Growth and Development:

Investing in the public sector and services generates economic growth and stability. These sectors provide employment opportunities for residents and help improve local businesses. They drive innovation and attract investors to the region, leading to job creation and enhanced socio-economic conditions for the community. Moreover, quality public services contribute to a positive business environment, attracting entrepreneurs and helping existing businesses thrive.


3. Social Cohesion and Equality:

Public services create a level playing field for everyone, promoting social inclusion and equality. The provision of quality education ensures that every child has an equal chance to succeed. Accessible healthcare services enable individuals to lead healthy lives regardless of their socio-economic background. Public transportation enables mobility, facilitating connections between people and communities. Strong public services contribute to a fair and cohesive society, ensuring that nobody is left behind.


4. Sustainable Development and Environmental Consciousness:

The public sector also plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness. Investing in green initiatives, renewable energy, and infrastructure that minimises carbon footprint ensures a cleaner and more sustainable future for North Dorset. Public services have the potential to make significant strides towards combating climate change, protecting our natural resources, and preserving our unique local environment.


5. Community Resilience and Emergency Response:

The public sector is responsible for keeping our communities safe and resilient in times of crisis. Well-funded emergency services, including the police, fire department, and healthcare providers, are essential to ensure timely responses and effective management during emergencies and disasters. By supporting the public sector, we ensure the well-being and security of North Dorset's population during times of need.



As we approach the general election, let us recognise the importance of the public sector and services in the development and growth of North Dorset. By prioritising these sectors, we invest in our own well-being, quality of life, and the future of our community. A strong public sector supports economic growth, fosters social cohesion, promotes sustainability, and provides crucial emergency responses. Remember, your vote shapes the future of North Dorset, so make a choice that reflects the importance of these crucial sectors.

Addressing Social Decline: A Priority for the General Election and North Dorset


In the upcoming general election for North Dorset, it is essential to recognise the significance of addressing social decline. This includes tackling issues such as poverty, unemployment, mental health, and social isolation that can adversely impact individuals and communities. Let's explore why addressing social decline is important to me as an individual and to the overall well-being of North Dorset.


1. Empathy and Compassion:

Addressing social decline signifies a commitment to empathy and compassion. It reflects an understanding of the struggles faced by those living in poverty or experiencing mental health challenges. By addressing social decline, we can develop a society that emphasises caring for one another, fostering a sense of community and support in North Dorset.


2. Enhanced Quality of Life:

Tackling social decline directly impacts the overall quality of life for all individuals in North Dorset. By reducing poverty and improving access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, we create an environment where everyone has a fair chance at a fulfilling life. Investing in social programs and support systems ensures that nobody is left behind, ultimately contributing to a more prosperous and harmonious community.


3. Economic Advancement:

Addressing social decline is not just a humanitarian effort; it is also an investment in economic growth. By providing resources and opportunities to disadvantaged individuals, we unlock their potential and enable contributions to the local economy. Reducing poverty and unemployment rates through skills training, fair employment practices, and targeted economic development programs can lead to a more vibrant and prosperous North Dorset.


4. Mental Health and Well-being:

Mental health is a critical aspect of social decline that requires attention. Many individuals suffer silently, facing unimaginable challenges and barriers to accessing support. By addressing social decline, we can improve mental health services, reduce stigma, and create a community that supports the well-being of all its members. Prioritising mental health as a part of our social development not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the overall fabric of North Dorset.


5. Strengthening Social Cohesion:

Addressing social decline promotes inclusivity and strengthens social cohesion within North Dorset. By implementing programs that foster community engagement, tackle social isolation, and facilitate exchanges between different groups, we build bridges and break down barriers. A more inclusive and connected community creates a sense of belonging and unity, fostering a safer and more harmonious society for all residents.



As the general election approaches, let us prioritise addressing social decline as a fundamental issue facing North Dorset. By addressing poverty, unemployment, mental health, and social isolation, we create a more compassionate, prosperous, and harmonious community. Our commitment to empathy, enhanced quality of life, economic advancement, mental health, and social cohesion will shape North Dorset's future. Remember, your vote has the power to prioritise the well-being and social development of our community, so make a choice that reflects the importance of addressing social decline.

Supporting Our Veterans: A Crucial Priority in the General Election and North Dorset


In the upcoming general election for North Dorset, it is crucial to recognise the importance of addressing the veterans support sector. Veterans have selflessly served our nation and deserve our utmost gratitude and support. Let's explore why addressing the veterans support sector is important to me as an individual and to the overall well-being of North Dorset.


1. Honouring Their Sacrifice:

Addressing the veterans’ support sector is a way of honouring the sacrifices made by our brave servicemen and women. They have put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. By providing them with the necessary support and resources, we acknowledge their contribution and express our gratitude for their commitment to our country.


2. Mental and Physical Well-being:

Veterans often face unique challenges upon returning to civilian life. Many struggle with mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. Addressing the veterans support sector means ensuring accessible and specialised mental health services to help them successfully transition and thrive in their civilian lives. Furthermore, adequate support for physical rehabilitation and healthcare needs is essential to ensure they receive the care they deserve.


3. Employment and Transitional Support:

One of the significant challenges veterans face is finding gainful employment and transitioning back into civilian life. Addressing the veterans support sector involves creating tailored programs and initiatives to assist veterans in finding meaningful employment opportunities. Providing training, skills development, mentorship, and resources can help them seamlessly transition into the workforce, enabling a successful and fulfilling civilian career.


4. Accessible Housing and Financial Support:

Veterans often struggle with housing and financial stability. Addressing the veterans’ support sector involves ensuring affordable and accessible housing options specifically geared towards veterans and their families. Additionally, providing financial support, such as pensions, grants, and benefits, can help alleviate financial burdens and provide a stable foundation for veterans to rebuild their lives and secure their future.


5. Community Integration and Support:

Supporting the veterans support sector also includes fostering community integration and support networks. Engaging the local community to actively contribute to the integration of veterans, organising social activities, and creating volunteer opportunities can help veterans feel connected and valued. Establishing strong support networks ensures they have the community's backing, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting overall well-being.



As the general election approaches, let us prioritise the veterans support sector as a crucial issue facing North Dorset. By addressing the unique challenges faced by our veterans and providing them with the support and resources they need, we show our appreciation and ensure they can successfully transition into civilian life. Honouring their sacrifices, addressing mental and physical well-being, employment and transitional support, accessible housing, and community integration is essential for the overall well-being and prosperity of North Dorset. Remember, your vote can make a difference in ensuring our veterans receive the support and care they deserve.

Public Sector
Social Decline
Supporting Veterans

ABOUT #Vote4Si >

My name is Simon Adams, and I am aspiring to serve as your elected Member of Parliament for North Dorset.

Throughout my adult life, I have been dedicated to serving our Nation and the communities within it. My professional journey began in the esteemed ranks of the Royal Marine Commandos, a career that, regrettably, ended due to disabling injuries. This personal experience brought to light the challenges faced by service leavers and veterans. Motivated to make a difference, I established ExFor+, a Community Interest Company, with the specific aim of supporting veterans, their families, and dependents as they navigate the often-difficult transition to civilian life and thereafter.


My commitment has extended to working with diverse groups within our community, including those undeservedly afflicted by homelessness, as well as influential figures in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. My advocacy has spanned the local and national spectrum and includes raising awareness through the national media.


I am now seeking your support in the upcoming election on July 4th to extend my commitment to our local community. My ambitions do not lie in pursuing a ministerial position; my sole intention is to advocate for the interests and concerns of North Dorset's constituents in Westminster. This comes at a crucial time when many ordinary working individuals are encountering greater challenges than they have for decades.


By casting your vote for me on July 4th, you will be elevating North Dorset's needs to the forefront. Together, we can ensure your voice is heard and your priorities are addressed. Your vote is a step toward a community that is fully represented and a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations.

Promoted by:

Mr Simon Adams

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